Saturday, July 19, 2008

George's Birthday Rocked!

This is what a nine year old looks like! Our dear old Georgie Boy turned nine on Friday! Nine! How is that even possible?! This was the first birthday since George turned three that we have spent back in Salt Lake. It was so fun to celebrate his special day with family!
George had a great day which started out with a cousin sleep-over, Grandma Dee Dee's chocolate chip pancakes and a treasure hunt to find his birthday gift... Rock Band! He and the cousins rocked out all morning long! That afternoon we met Aunt Sam, Morgie and Memphis (or as Ruby say's "Muffins") down at Liberty Park for the Aviary, a picnic and some splashing in the Seven Canyons! George and Morgan even got to feed fish to the pelicans at Tracy Aviary... a real birthday treat... yum!

Later that night, the Morgan's and Butlers all met over at Mill Hollow for presents, cake and ice cream, and movie in the park! It was the perfect end to his first day being nine! Happy Birthday Bud!


Laci said...

Happy Birthday George!!! What a fun day you had! Haylee will be 10 in November and it's hard to believe.....getting so old ;)

Colette said...

Happy Birthday, George! (from Tyson)

Las Vegas Kids Marathon

Las Vegas Kids Marathon